viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Unas parolas d'Ernst Friedrich Schumacher

Bellas parolas d’o pensador economico, estatistico e economista aleman Ernst Friedrich Schumacher (1911-1977):
The economics of gigantism and automation is a left-over of nineteenth-century conditions and nineteenth-century thinking and it is totally incapable of solving any of the real problems of today. An entirely new system of thought is needed, a system based on attention to people, and not primarily attention to goods.
U o que, alto u baixo ye o mesmo:
A economia d’o gigantismo e l’automatizacion ye un repui d’as condicions e o pensamiento d’o sieglo XIX. Ye incapable de tot de resolver qualsiquier problema real d’o nuestro tiempo. Ye neseçário de tot un sistema de pensamiento totalment nuevo, un sistema basato en a consideracion d’as personas antes que no en a consideracion d’os biens.
Small Is Beautiful: A Study Of Economics As If People Mattered (1973).

Podes leyer o libro, en a version original inglesa, en este VINCLO.